What We Do
The Ohio Hemp Association is a statewide non-profit organization, providing advocacy and member development services on behalf of Ohio hemp farmers, processors, distributors, retailers, and others engaged in the hemp industry. The Association was launched in response to the opportunities and demand associated with the legalization of hemp production in the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill.
The Ohio Hemp Association is dedicated to advocating for an industry-driven hemp program that is predictable, with an appropriate regulatory structure, including:
Work on behalf of the Ohio hemp industry to advocate for open markets for hemp and hemp derived products.
Facilitate industry stakeholder engagement.
Educate stakeholders and government officials on industry concerns, recommendations, and needs.
Work to create opportunities for research and development with Ohio’s leading education and business institutions.
The board is comprised of farmers, processors, and companies doing business in the hemp industry.
The board has regulatory, legal, and financial expertise.
Ohio Hemp Association Activities in 2019:
OHA engaged legislators and executive agency officials to advocate on behalf of farmers, processors, retailers, and consumers.
OHA testified in support of SB 57, focusing on an industry-friendly regulatory framework that supports farmers, processors, retailers, and consumers.
OHA specifically advocated for a hemp check-off provision in SB 57. Checkoff programs allow for a fee from growers based on production volumes. If a hemp checkoff program is enacted, these resources can be used for commodity research and market development.
OHA submitted comments to the Ohio Department of Agiculture on the Ohio Hemp Program Rules.
OHA submitted comments for the public record during the USDA public listening session on the 2018 Farm Bill.
OHA submitted comments for the public record during the USDA public listening session on the the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program interim final rule.
Ohio Hemp Association Board Member, Garett Fortune, testifying in the Ohio House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
“The Ohio Hemp Association helped to create the regulatory framework that will guide our industry.”
— Garret Fortune, Commodigy